Copy 100% slide from a project to another one
Hi, I am a music teacher and I use Captivate to evaluate my students. I would like to copy the identifier slide ( asking name, surname, grade, …) to a new project, but when I do this, impossible to find the user variables in the new project. Is it possible to compile a slide to insert it in a new project with exactly the same instances ? I was using Adobe Authorware and the knowledge objects were fantastic making this very easy.
Thanks for your help.
The value of user variables is reset to the default value when a project is closed. If you want to transfer the value to another project this is possible using Local Storage (with JavaScript or the CpExtra widget from InfoSemantics) to save the value in the first project and retrieve it in the second project. However this works only in limited situations: learner needs to use the same device and not clear the browser history.
For other situations this would require server-side programming. Some LMSs will be able to do it (if they can handle user variables) but most will not. You would need some solid programming in that case.
Authorware was based on older technology, and I was also sad when it died, but would not have survived anyway.
BTW you need to look at Shared actions. Recreating variables in any project is a breeze when using one of my ‘weird’ uses of Shared actions:
BTW I have been teaching flute for 25 years in the past…
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