March 10, 2021
Images in Responsive Project with Fluid Boxes
March 10, 2021
Images in Responsive Project with Fluid Boxes
Wizard 33 posts
Followers: 10 people

Hi all.

After trying a number of things to see if I can get images to work nicely with a responsive project using Fluid Boxes, I have not been able to find a fix.

My assumption is that it just doesn’t work when trying to use an image as a background in a project without the terrible squeeze/distortion of the background.

This is another of my attempts to create something nice looking, and I am trying to understand limitations of the software.

If you know of a work around, I would like to hear it.


2021-03-11 05:32:37
2021-03-11 05:32:37

Thanks for these options to try out.

Basically, I want to use an image as the background and have it adjust non distorted.

I will try the options you provided and see if I can get that to work.



's comment
2021-03-11 08:32:24
2021-03-11 08:32:24
's comment

No answer to my question: cropped or not? They both lead to difference solutions.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2021-03-11 16:38:21
2021-03-11 16:38:21
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

I wasn’t cropping the image – I only do that if I absolutely need to and in this situation I did not.

's comment
2021-03-11 16:41:35
2021-03-11 16:41:35
's comment

You didn’t get my question. Do you want to keep the full background image, which you probably inserted in landscape mode, when you switch to portrait mode? Or is it OK to have the image cropped in the horizontal dimension for portrait mode, and cropped vertically for landscape mode.

's comment
2021-03-11 19:41:50
2021-03-11 19:41:50
's comment

I guess I did not. Is there a choice on how it is cropped? I mainly do not want it squeezed/distorted – so I guess cropping it is fine.

's comment
2021-03-12 01:12:48
2021-03-12 01:12:48
's comment

This might give you some ideas:

's comment
2021-03-12 18:40:31
2021-03-12 18:40:31
's comment

Thanks – that is helpful.

2021-03-10 20:41:17
2021-03-10 20:41:17

What do you exactly want for the background images: that they remain always completely visible, or that part of the image may be cropped on smaller resolutions? Both without distortion of course.

There are several ways to do so, at least in version 11.5. You can use an image as background (fill) of a slide and use the Position Properties to have it rescaled while preserving the width/height ratio.  Later on you can add fluid boxes. Or you can fill the parent fluid box with the image.

2021-03-10 15:17:39
2021-03-10 15:17:39

Use the tile option when using an image to fill your background of a fluid box. Then select the alignment options such as center, bottom right, top left, etc. Here’s a tip. use background images that are at least as large as the fluid would be in its largest condition. For example, if you wanted to fill the parent fluid box with a background, crop and resize your image to be 1024 x 627 (or whatever size your desktop view is).

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