Adobe fails on Macs
I thought I’d suggest two things to Adobe.
Adobe, your download page stinks. It’s making it very hard for Mac users to get started using Captivate.
I have an Intel Mac on Big Sur, and an M1 Mac on Big Sur. Neither is supported, but for different reasons. The download page could determine this and warn me, or send me to the beta. It doesn’t.
Intel Big Sur isn’t supported by Captivate. This is a bit wacky for a number of reasons—it’s not like Captivate is cheap, Apple has public betas, and Adobe is a huge company. But that’s not the problem today. The problem is that the download appears to work but then fails and doesn’t fail nicely. It says I have a corrupted file, and to download it again. It’s 3 GB download, too! On a metered connection, that’s a huge waste!
Adobe could know that the file isn’t going to work before they let me download it. They could send me to the beta.
M1 Big Sur does install the download. But then it doesn’t work! I was lucky and savvy enough to figure out why, but again, it’s not clear. It just plumb doesn’t work, and give an unusable canvas. And again, Adobe could fix this before it becomes a problem for the end user. But they don’t.
I have to say, this has been a very disappointing experience for me. I feel that $45 a month is quite a lot of money. I expect the software, and especially the software support, to be much better than this.
Sorry to hear you are having trouble.
I thought that Adobe had fixed the Big Sur issue. There was a time that it was not supported, but recently there was a post saying it was updated. See it here.
Now, just because they say the patch is ready, doesn’t mean it’s fully working. Guessing there is still some issues.
At the very least, that post might give you someone to reach out to for information.
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