March 9, 2021
Using JavaScript for Custom Quiz Scores in Captivbate 2019
March 9, 2021
Using JavaScript for Custom Quiz Scores in Captivbate 2019
elearning Developer, Technology Enhanced Learning Adviser
Newbie 7 posts
Followers: 2 people

Hi All,   I’m hoping people can help.

I have a project which uses JavaScript to generate a score in a variable called var_Quiz_Score.  I can get this score to show up in a text box easily with %%var_Quiz_Score%%.  However I cannot see how to push that into the Captivate quiz scoring system so that it shows up correctly in the quiz total and hence be pushed into the LMS.

I’ve read and tinkered with but to no avail.

Can anyone explain, or point me to an explanation of how this works please?

Many Thanks


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