Hello! I’m going to subscribe to Adobe Captivate and am likely to enroll in the training for beginners with the intention of getting the Adobe Captivate eLearning Certification. With that, besides subscribing to AC, what else do I need? What about images or graphics? Are these available with A or purchased separately? Different source? Any insight and advice are sincerely appreciated – thank you!
Captivate comes with Assets and access to part of the eLearning Brothers library. You also can use Adobe Stock images but those are not for free. But there are tons of free images available everywhere, sometimes with restriction to non-commercial use. Editing images can be done with any graphics app but of course if you have access to the Creative Cloud (Photoshop, Illustrator) Captivate provides great collaboration with those apps.
Audio is very important in eLearning and it needs decent quality because bad audio is worse than fuzzy images or typos in text. You’ll need a decent microphon or headset to record narration. To fix your audio you can use Audacity (free) if you don’t have access to Audition which is in the Creative Cloud.
Animations and video will probably be part of your eLearning as well. Again: you can find a lot for free.
What is very essential is to reflect how you will deploy the courses. Any eLearning authoring tool is supposed to be used within a Learning Management System (LMS). It takes over the management of user accounts, tracking of the learners, gradebooks etc. If you don’t have a LMS you can always deploy on a simple webserver but learner management will be limited or you would have to use programming.
Finally but not the least: be ready to have fun exploring a great multifeatured tool, and take time to tame it. Often I compare it with a thoroughbred: very promising but needs patience and respect to realize the promises.
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