I am wondering if anyone has had the same issue with the dimensions of a captivate project. I have created an interactive map that IS NOT and Scorm package just interactive and it is not created as a responsive project. I have it set for 1440 x 1080. When i upload it to the LMS (D2L Brightspace) and “add from managed files”. The presentation is much smaller.
If i were to take the index page that Captivate creates and put it on a traditional web server, it is sized just fine so I feel it is an LMS issue and not a Captivate one, but my hope was that someone may have encountered something like this and could shed some light on it.
Thank You
There are some specific steps to follow for getting a file to upload to Brightspace. I followed the below link to help me when I did it and I did not have any issues with how the file was presented on Brightspace.
It is possible you did this yourself, I recognize, but I post this in case it was not. Hopefully it helps.
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