April 13, 2021
Captivate Comparisons
I like Captivate a great deal. I’ve seen it online, though I have not worked with it personally. Since I work in Education, I am always trying to find ways to engage learners in new and novel ways. That said, there are many other e-learning programs out there. If you were asked “what makes captivate different from program X?” What would you say? What is your favorite aspect of Captivate relative to the other programs out there?
2021-04-14 14:21:52
There are several reasons why I prefer Captivate over other eLearning authoring tools. Just a short summary:
- It is more flexible and multi-featured than the other tools. Reusability is much better, I like to save time as a developer. Copy/paste is a poor alternative for that. By using Advanced/shared actions and integration of JavaScript you can even extend the possibilities.
- It integrates well with other Adobe tools: Photoshop, Illustrator, Animate, Audition are perfect for the creation of Assets needed in Captivate. Since they are in the same Adobe universe, you’ll understand what I mean.
- It integrates perfectly with Adobe Prime (LMS) and I use Adobe Connect a lot for online training on Captivate.
- You’ll find tons of tutorials everywhere.
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