April 20, 2021
Drag and Drop rejection !
April 20, 2021
Drag and Drop rejection !
I have over 20 years working in multimedia and design in higher education with 12 of those years being in instructional design. I currently am the director for the Center of Instructional Innovation at Augusta University and specialize in game based learning.
Newbie 3 posts
Followers: 2 people


I am trying to create a drag and drop quiz in which each question is a drag and drop interaction with only one answer. What i would like is when the answer is rejected, they get the failure display and then move to the next slide which gives them the next drag and drop interaction question.

I know how to get it to reject by “not accepting” all drag sources and the “incorrect” drag choice goes back to where it started and I get the “failure prompt”, but i don’t see that there is a way to then send the user to the next slide after the failure prompt.

I’m trying to do all this with out the submit button in order to get instant feedback and move on to the next slide.

Any insight would be great!

2021-05-04 21:29:53
2021-05-04 21:29:53

MingusBass this got stuck in my brain and I realized there is an easy way to provide the functionality you are looking for with just a tiny bit of JS that makes use of the cp API. Instead of setting up your object actions to only allow the correct answer, set it up to accept any 1 of them. In the action column for each INCORRECT answer, set the action to “Execute Javascript” and paste this into the code window:


Ensure the “Continue playing project” is ticked. Then turn off the Display On Accept and On Reject options and use Success Caption and Failure Caption instead. Tick the box for “Auto-submit Correct answers,” use “Continue” as both your failure and success actions, and Bob’s your uncle, auto-submitted answers whether they’re right or wrong, with scoring, and after showing you the success or failure message, it moves to the next slide. Just pull your Submit button off the stage to avoid confusion.

2021-04-25 17:37:26
2021-04-25 17:37:26

Well, you’ll never get the desired behavior out of the Captivate interaction alone. They give you quite a few options on how the interaction should behave, but they leave out certain things, and automatic submission of wrong answers is one of them. If it’s an unscored activity, you could add a javascript function to watch for when the failure text becomes visible, and then jump to the next slide once 3 seconds have gone by. But you said this was a quiz, so you’d have to add a quite a bit more complex code to hijack the SCORM variables and send incorrect answer, since the question would technically not have been submitted or skipped.

If you’re interested what the workaround would look like without the scoring part, you could just do something like this (in this example the drop reject caption is “Failure_Shape_13):

var check = setInterval(function () {

  if ($(“Failure_Shape_13”).css(“visibility”) == “visible”) {

setTimeout(() => {
}, 3000);
}, 10);

You’ve said you’re using the Display: On Reject functionality and not accepting incorrect answers. Please note that this is distinct from a failure caption as Captivate has not yet judged the overall interaction. It’s only said that particular object can’t be dropped here. That’s why it won’t score properly. As others have mentioned, it won’t auto-submit incorrect answers.

's comment
2021-04-26 07:57:15
2021-04-26 07:57:15
's comment

You can solve a lot with JS. The real result of the long discussion on the Adobe forums was that the OP wanted to avoid the Submit button.   If you use a D&D slide as a scored quiz slide, it seems logical to be consistent with other quiz slides, where the Submit button is meant to confirm an answer – whether correct or not – to leave the learner the time to reflect and eventually change its answer. Personally I find the Auto Submit not only confusing because it works only for a correct answer, but contrary to the normal control you give to the learner when answering questions.

This may not be the case for a D&D slide which is NOT used as a Knowledge Check slide nor as a quiz slide, but just for its dragging functionality. That is the only situation where I ever would use the Auto Submit feature. Of course this is my personal opinion. I have also quite a lot of workarounds to make a D&D question behave like a normal question, including the two-step Submit process and a Review state.

2021-04-21 07:21:31
2021-04-21 07:21:31

You posted the same question in the Adobe forums and already got a lot of answers.  There is a problem with your setup because the advised workflow is a default workflow and works for me an other users. You didn’t answer the multiple questions I posted in the last answer, always trying to find the cause for your particular issue.

Here is the link:




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