April 13, 2021
Issues with Entering 0 in Text Entry Boxes
April 13, 2021
Issues with Entering 0 in Text Entry Boxes
Newbie 6 posts
Followers: 1 people

I’m having some trouble. I have a text entry box that I want the user to enter a zero (0) in. I used t he validate box and entered “0” and I also limited the number of characters to 1. But when I preview it, I can just hit the submit button without entering anything in the TEB and it accepts it as 0. Is there a workaround for this that will force the user to actually put text in the box? It appears the empty variable is an equal to the number 0. Thanks in advance!

2021-11-28 02:25:58
2021-11-28 02:25:58

thank you for the post, any updates?

2021-09-08 22:56:54
2021-09-08 22:56:54

Thank you for the info.

2021-04-14 07:41:27
2021-04-14 07:41:27

This is due to the way variables are treated in Captivate. I will post a link to a blog – refurbished version of a 10 years old one –  with more explanations. For CP these variable values are the same: 0, Text, Empty. It is indeed limiting, have a look at:



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