Multiple ways to achieve a correct result but the unused method is scored as a fail.
Good afternoon,
I would be really grateful for some advice:
I have created some eLearning which has a pass rate of 80%. However, I have some slides where there are multiple ways to achieve a correct result (for example you can double click an item or you can click the arrow to the left to expand it). I am able to add both interactions and the project will continue if either method is used.
The issue I am having is that the interaction that isn’t used is scored as a fail which affects the overall score for the project.
Is there a way to get Captivate to apply a score to either of the interactions instead of both of them?
I am using Adobe Captivate 2019.
Thank you in advance for any help you are able to provide.
Thank you for your reply Lieve.
We are using version number
You are correct in that both interactions are on the same slide. Basically, all I have done is to add a second click box interaction (one is set to be double clicked and the other is set for a single click).
In case it helps, I have copied the one slide where I am trying to get it to work into a new project and uploaded it here.
Thank you so much for your help.
Sorry, but I do not download files for several reasons. If you want more help, you’ll have to do it using screenshots or video. You need to take the score out of the click boxes. Use their Success actions to show a Next button which is scored. If it is possible to fail as well, use an alternative Next button which has no score.
First of all: your version of CP2019 is outdated and no longer supported by Adobe. Only version is now supported for Windows (Mac version has higher number).
That’s fair enough.
Thank you so much, that’s a great idea. I’ll have a look at that.
I’m surprised that our version is outdated because I only had it installed yesterday (upgraded from Captivate 2017) but I’ll see if I can get it updated.
Thank you again.
Please update, a lot of features have been added, I never blogged so much after a release as I did after the release of 11.5.
The trick I told has been described in an old blog (10 years ago). Lot of people have used it, some even claim it to be ‘their’ idea… as I found out some months ago.
Not the same situation as yours, but is the same basic idea.
You didn’t explain how you set up the two possible ways. Branch aware would be functional but probably not in your setup since I suspect both are set up on the same slide. I have some tricks to accomplish this by using a ‘third’ interactive object which appears after having done one of the two workflows, and score that object. Please explain your set up, maybe with a practical example and I can see if it could be used in your case.
It also helps if you mention the exact version number, CP2019 had already at least 5 releases. You find the version number under Help, About Captivate.
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