Hello All,
I’m using Captivate 2019 to create a template for a customer’s quizzes and exams because they do some unique stuff with their questions. I’m feeling quite limited by Captivate’s master slides for their question slides- I can’t delete Fluid Boxes or reorient them to flow in the other direction- so I’m having trouble maximizing the space on the slides to fit the buttons and web objects for the different functions. If I was able to create a master slide from scratch it could be exactly as I need it, but Adobe Support told me that is not possible because the slides could not be scored by the software.
Honestly, I found that hard to believe since the Asset Library has Quiz templates in it. Can anyone out there point me in the right direction to creating a set of more flexible master slides that can be scored? Thanks in advance!
There is terminology problem. You are not creating a template file (cptl) but trying to create a custom theme.
I plan a new blog on the use of the individual quiz slides in the Quick Start Project because they may cause issues when you use them. Each question slides needs to be based on a quizzing master slide because such a slide has not only a lot of embedded objects but those objects are the triggers for the functionality of the quiz submit process with all its features. Some of the quiz slide examples in the QSPs do have an edited quiz master slide but not all of them. And it is really frustrating that you also find edited score slides, because they can never be used as individual slide, only will appear when you start from the complete project.
This leads to my first recommendation: edit the quizzing master slides if you want to keep all the functionality of the quiz slides. I have published around 40 blogs only about quizzes and tweak possibilities.
The fact that you want to do so for a Fluid Boxes project increases the difficulty. I don’t know if you did explore the setup of the master slides? On the first release of the Fluid Boxes workflow I started by exploring the setup of those quiz slides. The result can be found here:
You may have misunderstood the comments of the Adobe Help. It IS possible to have scored objects besides the question slides, I have always labeled them as ‘custom question slides’. They use scores attached to interactive objects and/or JavaScript. However, to reproduce all the functionality of the default quiz slides based on their master slides, you will need a lot more developing time and although part of it can be set up using a dedicate custom master slide and shared action (avoid advanced actions) it will still not be a smooth workflow for developers who do not know exactly how they were set up.
You can find a pdf in the blog ‘Quiz Resources’ which is available here in the portal. It has links to most of the blogs I created about quizzes. Since recently I added some more, will need to update the blog again.