April 27, 2021
Why Admin Rights for Captivate?
April 27, 2021
Why Admin Rights for Captivate?
Newbie 2 posts
Followers: 0 people

Anyone know the reasons why “Run as Administrator” is required for Captivate. I need some convincing words to put in my justification letter to give to IT department. Captivate is not being cooperative and all I see in the forums is “Run as Administrator” as solution. Reasons are some of the reasons?

Neo Speech installation

DPi  Settings keeps defaulting to “0” instead of staying at “1”

unable to do Video Demos- applications keeps closing

2021-09-08 22:23:55
2021-09-08 22:23:55

Try to justify the reprocess you need to do everytime you. you would spend less time, and make spend less time on to your IT deparment.

2021-04-28 12:27:05
2021-04-28 12:27:05

The answer is not black/white. For some workflows it is important to Run Captivate as Administrator, not for all. Typical examples are: recording (both software simulations, and Video Demo), customization of some items. Moreover for troubleshooting you’ll often want to clear the Preferences. Whereas this is possible in a manual workflow, it is much easier with a batch file which needs Admin rights. Same for editing some files in the installation folder: think about the need to change the stack order for video, animations, the setup for capturing with a retina screen, the replacement of some default icons for HTML5 output etc… I see now that I have mentioned some of the situations you are referring to as well.

Conclusion: you may run Captivate without the setting ‘Run as Administrator’ but it is possible that for some workflows you will be sort of having a ‘handicap’.


2021-04-28 10:36:31
2021-04-28 10:36:31

In my work, we setup Cap 2017 to run as admin all the time. When we upgraded, I forgot that part so I was using Captivate 2019 but it is not run as admin. It still run properly so it’s not really “required”. Are you using some function or trying to accomplish something that many users might not be familiar?

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