May 27, 2021
Video won’t load, stops at 50%
May 27, 2021
Video won’t load, stops at 50%
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

Suddenly today my video won’t load into my Responsive Project.  I’m trying to create an interactive video; I created the original video myself from a Software simulation I recorded.  I’ve done this as recently as yesterday and it worked fine.

It repeatedly stops at 50% and won’t load further.  I’ve tried everything I can think of.

Please Help!


2021-09-22 16:45:24
2021-09-22 16:45:24

any updates on this? Your workflow sounds similar to mine and want to avoid this

2021-06-06 21:25:00
2021-06-06 21:25:00

Very daft thing but have you also checked the free space on the drive/allocation where you are saving the project too?

Its an old one that’s sometimes missed


2021-05-28 15:31:15
2021-05-28 15:31:15

I added the Video on a blank slide – no Fluid Boxes.  The only other slide are question slides that I plan to insert using bookmarks.

's comment
2021-05-28 16:07:21
2021-05-28 16:07:21
's comment

Did you read the blog? If you want the video to be interactive you need to use the Position Properties. I also have explained how to handle the overlay slides.

2021-05-28 08:53:46
2021-05-28 08:53:46

Did you use Fluid Boxes workflow for the responsive project? Hopefully you know that it is not possible to have slide video in a normal fluid box? An interactive video needs to be a slide video, since synchronisation with Captivate’s Timeline is necessary. You need to use the Position Properties panel for an optimal setup. I have explained that workflow in a recent blog post:

I suppose you used a Video Demo workflow to create the video itself?

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