I am new to Captivate and have 2019 version. I am previewing my project and one or two text captions don’t display on several slides.
I apologize if I selected the wrong category/tags, etc.
What was the resolution here?
Maybe this is too obvious, but make sure they’re not hidden or have a setting in the timing to not appear until a certain time. Yeah you probably checked it but I’ve TOTALLY been stumped by this before, then realized that they’re just hidden.
Can you please offer some more details?
CP2019 is a name for a whole bunch of versions. Please check and mention the exact version number which you can find under Help, About Captivate. Maybe you are not using the most recent version, which is for Windows and a higher number for Mac.
Are you talking about a non-responsive (blank) or a responsive project? If it is a non-responsive project the only valid Preview method for HTML5 output is F11, Preview HTML in Browser. Did you use that Preview?
What is special about those ‘two text captions’? Are they on the master slide, or maybe timed for the rest of the project? Which font did you use? It is recommended to use only Websafe or Adobe fonts, to have them rendered correctly on all devices, if you are in a non-responsive project. More details in:
In that blog you can read about dynamic and static text containers.