July 14, 2021
Hyperlinking in Captivate 2019 VR Project
July 14, 2021
Hyperlinking in Captivate 2019 VR Project
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

Has anyone been able to add hyperlinks in a VR Captivate 2019 Project? I’d like to add a hperlink to a text block or Hotspot image linked to either a web addresss or PDF document. Hy;erlink features works in all other Captivate type projects, but not VR Reality ones from what I’ve tested. Any ideas or s0lutions would be helpful.

2021-09-22 17:53:13
2021-09-22 17:53:13

Any updates on this?

2021-09-08 19:55:19
2021-09-08 19:55:19

Wow, so so accuerate.

2021-07-23 15:59:32
2021-07-23 15:59:32

I would really like to be able to do this. Will it become a possibility any time soon?

2021-07-23 14:49:03
2021-07-23 14:49:03

You can add an hyperlink in a Captivate VR module! It is right, it is not included in the actions dropdown list in a VR project. But it is possible, I just tried it and it worked.
But – it isn’t easy and I have to make more tests to explore all the possibilities of this method and probably in the end write a blog about it to score some points and recognition. Hey, hey, my, my – Rock’n’Roll will never die.

Question: how good are you with Javascript? Because this is what it takes: An external Javascript running alongside your Cp VR project.

Find out how to do this here about the Headless Installation.
Then you need to study and apply parts of this page: Learn about the Common JavaScript interface for Adobe Captivate.

In particular you need from that toolset

  • moduleReadyEvent
  • cpAPIEventEmitter

The last item of the list above is an Event and contains certain event.Data items like itemname=STRING which is the identifier/label you or Captivate (automatically) gave the interactive element that’s being clicked. This is also the case for hotspots in a VR project.

With all these in place you can check for a particular hotspot and trigger in your external JS a command

cp.openURL(“YOUR LINK HERE”, “_blank”);

Try to tackle this/wait for my blog/or message me

's comment
2021-07-28 21:34:55
2021-07-28 21:34:55
's comment

Yeah this worked for me too dude 🙂

2021-07-15 12:58:59
2021-07-15 12:58:59

The hotspots are like interactive objects, for which the possible actions are limited to those shown in the dropdown list.  A hyperlink is also sort of an interactive object, and no interactive object can be inserted anywhere. At this moment for me the answer to your request is negative. Feel free to log a feature request.

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