Is it possible to identify when a screen reader is accessing your course, so as to redirect it (seamlessly) to an AODA friendly version for slides that contain non-compliant activities (drag and drop, etc.)?
My thought is to have 1 course with alternate slides available, but hidden, that would be swapped in for the screen readers, as needed. I’d like for it to happen on the fly (no interaction needed by the learner who is using the assistive device).
Any advice or commentary is appreciated.
AODA for those that don’t know is the Accessibility for Ontarian with Disabilities Act. Americans would call this 508 Compliance. Captivate doesn’t do anything to register if a user is using a screen reader, however, if you want screen reader users to have a different experience you could include instructions in the screen reader text to perhaps use a keyboard shortcut to activate a button that takes them on a different path. Interactive objects (even transparent ones) can have keyboard shortcuts to activate an action to take them to a different slide or perform just about any other action you might need for them.
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