As a newbie to ID (but a seasoned instructor) I can echo what was said above. I’m not a phenomenal designer by any means. Nor do I have the technology to make something look great. However, making meaningful content that serves the main objective is key. I am currently using godesignsomething dot com for project prompts. Even though my toolbox is small right now, I hope that this will show future employers that I am not afraid to try and design something. Hope that helps!
As someone who still considers themselves as a new comer, I think those looking to get into this type of works needs to know that it take some time and effort to learn. But there are plenty of teachers out there, including within this community. I would also want others to know that they can learn it, that they should not give up if it gets hard and to keep putting work out there for others to see, hoping to get some feedback that can help and keep you motivated.
Please don’t make eLearning that looks and acts like a PowerPoint presentation. This is not effective. Challenge yourself to create learning solutions from scratch in Adobe Captivate. Regardless of the tool your eLearning needs to be engaging, utilize storytelling techniques and reward your learners for achieving their goals. PowerPoint files imported into Captivate seldom do this.
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