August 16, 2021
Questions and Answers disappear
August 16, 2021
Questions and Answers disappear
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

Hi, I am making my first quiz in Adobe Captivate.  I can see the sample questions and answer place holders.  When I go to click on them, they disappear.

I am on the trial version of Captivate, but a long-time user of most other Adobe products.

2021-08-17 23:23:22
2021-08-17 23:23:22

Are you using the pre-built Captivate quiz template slides? If so, have you tried extending the timeline to a longer duration and the objects within them? (ex: to 60 seconds)

's comment
2021-08-18 07:34:43
2021-08-18 07:34:43
's comment

Sorry to pop in because your comment is confusing. You are talking about the master slides included in the theme used in the project.  Those master slides have a lot of embedded objects with attached functionality. They are pausing automatically at 1.5seconds to allow for the designed Submit process (which is mainly linked with the embedded Submit button).

The only reason to extend the duration of a quiz slide is when you add slide audio to it. But in that case the duration will be extended automatically as well. In that case, since slide audio will never be paused by the pausing point of 1.5secs it is recommended to move the pausing point near the end of the quiz slide.  At least if you keep the default Success and Last Attempt actions which are set to ‘Continue’.

By extending the slide duration without moving the pausing point you cause a very annoying situation for the learner. After the second step of the Submit process, he/she will have to wait until the playhead moves till the end of the slide before reaching the next slide, if ‘Continue’ is kept. Not something you want to do.

It could be useful to explore this blog:

There are also a lot of blogs I wrote about quizzes in this portal. Just look for the ‘Submit Process’ to understand the ins and outs of quizzing master slides.

2021-08-16 08:41:02
2021-08-16 08:41:02

Can you please check the exact version you are using? You find the full version number under Help, About Captivate.

Are you on Windows or Mac?  If you are on  Mac, which OS do you use? There is a special version developed for Big Sur, which may not be the one you installed.

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