In this video, I will show you how you can resize and align your Adobe Captivate drag and drop objects for the best appearance.
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Hello Mr. Wilson.
I am a University of Minnesota Master Gardener. I give classes to the general public, as well as other Master Gardeners throughout the state of Minnesota. I have been researching Adobe Captivate as a medium to give the classes. I have absolutely no experience with Captivate at all. I do use many other Adobe products such as Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, etc. I would like to get into using Captivate. Is there books, tutorials, etc. for the absolute beginner ? Do you have videos for beginners? I hope you reply to this. I do need some help.
Hi Michael,
I’m on vacation at the time of writing this but if you would like to reach out to me directly and avoid the public aspect of this forum you can write to me using the following form. I will reply via email and we can begin a larger conversation about your needs. I can advice what I think the next best steps for you are.
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