August 5, 2021
What’s the best intro for businesses?
August 5, 2021
What’s the best intro for businesses?
Newbie 1 posts
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Can you showcase here the best ideas for intros of small businesses? It would be great to share our knowledge! 🙂

2021-09-22 18:01:33
2021-09-22 18:01:33

Build out some logo stingers in adobe

2021-08-15 04:38:13
2021-08-15 04:38:13

Use the presentation with a logo, some animation. Navigation. Of course objectives. Thats probably the best.

2021-08-07 12:24:11
2021-08-07 12:24:11

The courses that I design for a corporate client will include the following elements.

  • Course Title — Usually just a simple slide that includes narration welcomes the learner to the course and instructs them how to move forward. For example, “Welcome to the Respect in the Workplace course. Click the Begin button to get started.” I might include some background music, but typically I only use music on this introductory slide.
  • Course Navigation — Right away, I explain how to navigate the course. This is usually an optional slide that learners can skip immediately. For some, this slide is required, but for most, they have already experienced eLearning before, so I make it easy to move on for this slide quickly.
  • WIIFM — WIIFM stands for “what’s in it for me.” This is the motivation for completing this course. Of course, this is not to be confused with the goals or learning objectives of the course. Instead, this explains or reminds learners why this course is good for them. For example, if you were conducting a safety course, you might remind the learner that their family loves them and getting home safe every day is really important. When done well, this slide(s) can motivate your learners to take the training more seriously and keep them engaged in the material.
  • Learning Objectives — Learning objectives will closely match the expected performance that the company has on its employees to demonstrate their knowledge and skill. Learning objectives are usually written with SMART objectives in mind. Each objective should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound. For example, upon completing this module, you will be able to identify the correct procedures for reporting a near miss.

I would say the trend these days is to still include these formal set of introductory slides but to present them in a more conversational way then perhaps in years past. Take a look at some other courses that might be available to you and look for examples of these slides. Consider what you like about other courses and what you don’t like about them. In the end you will need to gain approval for all your course elements from your stakeholder so don’t be offended when the stakeholder wants to deviate from this approach.

Paul Wilson
's comment
2021-09-15 15:31:26
2021-09-15 15:31:26
Paul Wilson
's comment

Love the distinction between WIIFM and Objectives!

2021-08-07 02:13:40
2021-08-07 02:13:40

Can I ask what you mean by intros of small business? Do you mean how to introduce a small business using Captivate? Or are you looking for intros for business courses? Or something that I am not thinking of?

Looking to understand.


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