October 1, 2021
Language change
October 1, 2021
Language change

Hello everyone,

I am having the adobe Captivate on work laptop and it is being downloaded in French language as it’s default language of the interface. So now I want to change it to English could anyone help me out here to do this? Is it possible to change the language ?

I have tried many times to find from where I could change language but I couldn’t find it.

So I would highly appreciate if anyone could share this info.

Thank you in advance.

2021-11-23 19:47:24
2021-11-23 19:47:24

thanks for the post

2021-10-05 05:49:11
2021-10-05 05:49:11

During the installation you can choose the language you want to install. Just choose English. You can start the setup file without deinstalling Captivate before.

If you want to use both – english and french – you can go to your current installation folder of Captivate and copy the folder with the french language settings in it (should be fr_FR or something like this) and place it somewhere on your harddrive (outside the installation folder). Start the setup of Captivate and install it with the english language settings. If you want to switch back to the french version just put the folder fr_FR back to the installation file – you can keep the en_EN folder where it is. If you want to go back to the english version just rename the fr_FR folder to e.g. fr_FR_backup – then Captivate will use the english language files.


2021-10-04 16:37:15
2021-10-04 16:37:15

When you buy or ‘hire’ (for a subscription version) Captivate you need to indicate the wanted language. That has nothing to do with the installed OS language.  There is no way to change the language in an installed Captivate, it is not even possible to install Captivate in two different languages on the same system (as I have experienced personally). You will need to contact the vendor, and/or check what has gone wrong with the language choice when you acquired Captivate.

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