October 25, 2021
Mobile App: Value Driven eLearning App Development Guide!
October 25, 2021
Mobile App: Value Driven eLearning App Development Guide!

The global eLearning market is growing at an exponential pace. Especially in the past year, the pandemic made millions of students and academics lean toward eLearning in a never-before manner.

As per the statistics from eLearning Industry, the eLearning industry within the last one and half decades achieved a whopping 900% growth. Now, this success story is going to cross all known limits we have known yet.

So, if you are considering how to build an app to take on this stupendous growth potential of the eLearning industry, there is no better time to set your foot in this industry than now.

Let us explain here all the key steps to building an eLearning app. But before that, let us have a quick look at the key advantages offered by eLearning apps.

Key Advantages of eLearning Apps

It is already well known that mobile apps have become a key tool for doing everything in daily life. Particularly students for entertainment, gaming and every day reach out to their smartphones every once in a while. This is why eLearning apps give students access to education through an interface that they are most accustomed to.

The eLearning apps offer the most engaging methods to help students learn and achieve better learning outcomes in the most interesting manner. From the perspectives of educational institutions and content creators also, there are multitudes of benefits. Let’s have a look at some of these key advantages offered by e-learning apps.

  • eLearning apps ensure a better course completion rate and ensure retaining students longer. Because of the flexibility and engaging learning interface, students remain more engaged with eLearning apps.
  • The absence of real-time tracking and collaboration often leads to deterioration in the quality of studies in institutions. The e-learning apps promote highly collaborative learning with a focus on tracking and reporting progress in a concise manner.
  • eLearning apps ensure optimum flexibility for the learning process as students can engage in studies anytime, anywhere by using different forms of content, including podcasts, texts, audio, videos and immersive content.
  • eLearning apps allow learners to stay in constant communication and touch with other learners and instructors through an interactive interface.
  • eLearning apps allow students of all grades and levels to engage with befitting content. Whether helping students within the classroom boundaries or helping remote students in the learning process, eLearning apps work to prove to be effective in all circumstances.

Considering e-Learning Development: Website vs Mobile App

The key question that can put you in a dilemma is choosing between a website and a mobile app for the eLearning module. Let’s be straightforward, both are effective and have their respective pros. Let’s make a brief comparison between the two.


eLearning web platforms were popular for nearly two decades before mobile eLearning apps appeared. If the learning platform is too big and content-focused, then the web can be an appropriate interface. When an eLearning platform does not need to work as a handy learning tool to help students achieve grades and complete course milestones following a rigorous schedule, the web interface comes as the perfect option.

Mobile Apps

Mobile eLearning apps are popular for easier, dynamic and productivity-focused learning with rigorous tasks and learning milestones. A mobile interface with a broader interactive scope is more engaging to help learners progress faster.

Choose the Right Learning Niche

In the education sector, you have plenty of options for building learning apps by focusing on different subjects and skills. This is why choosing the appropriate niche that fulfills your objectives is important.

For your brand-new eLearning app, you may want to build a customized learning system that specifically targets a particular niche audience. For example, you can build an eLearning app targeting primary school students and help them to have a command of vocabulary.

Another eLearning app can focus on helping young art students to learn the elementary teachings of line drawings. You can decide to build an eLearning app to help athletes and players learn about nutrition and different exercises. You may want to build an eLearning app for the students who want to learn to code and allow them to learn and build simple solutions in a guided manner.

From learning foreign languages to helping school students have more commands on different subjects, from providing students tools for testing their skills to apps for an immersive learning experience, eLearning apps can be of varied types. This is why you need to choose a specific niche first.

When choosing a niche, you must know that students like eLearning apps because of the ease of engagement and interesting content they get from these apps. Students are natural contesters, and they like gaming. So, irrespective of the niche incorporating gamification through points, trophies, in-app rewards and recognitions prove to be very effective.

On the other hand, businesses building eLearning apps can benefit by opting for the right monetization method. The choice of monetization method should entirely depend upon the app niche, chosen platform, your learner audience and competition. You need to take a look at the successful monetization technique embraced by the competitor apps of the same niche.

Build the App Idea and Know the Learner Audience

To begin with, pen down your app idea on paper and have a clear picture of how the app is going to work. Since you have already chosen an eLearning app niche, it is time to develop the app idea further. What kind of content it is going to provide, and what will be the most elementary feature that defines your app idea best?

For a successful eLearning app development strategy, you need to have a deeper understanding of the target learner audience you are going to cater to. Know the demographic attributes of the learners, the target regions, what competitor apps they prefer, their pain points and features they consider “nice-to-have”. By knowing these attributes in detail, you can make a more engaging app.

Key Features to Consider

There can be hardly any doubt about the fact that an eLearning app should provide cutting-edge features that make the app competitively ahead of other apps. Some of the key features that one should consider include the following.

  • It is always better if your eLearning module makes an optimum presence across the web and both iOS and Android mobile app platforms. This cross-platform approach will help you get on board a broad audience.
  • An engaging and simple user interface with familiar menu and navigation options.
  • A robust search function with content filtering.
  • Real-time streaming and collaboration to connect learners and instructors remotely.
  • A lot of video content explaining technical attributes.
  • Interactive test modules and progress reports.
  • Interactive voice feedback and visual recognition tools to learn faster.
  • Course completion and productivity tracker with schedules and calendars.
  • Social sharing, in-app chat and collaboration tools.
  • Option for uploading courses by instructors.
  • An intuitive dashboard allows easy navigation to all courses, certificates, subjects, report cards, tools and content.

Get Onboard a Capable Team

Now that you have a fair idea of all the features, functionalities and UI/UX attributes of your intended eLearning app, it is time to get on board an able team who can shape a perfect app. The key roles and skills that you need in your team include the following.

  • eLearning content specialists
  • App strategist with Business Intelligence (BI) skills
  • UI/UX designer
  • Cross-platform or iOS & Android developers
  • QA testers
  • A project manager

Based on the experience of most successful eLearning app projects, it is always recommended to use agile methodology for your eLearning app. This will help you build the app faster while ensuring top-notch quality through concurrent testing.

Discovery and Research

As soon as you have made your decision on what the intended eLearning app should look and feel like, you need to do in-depth research in the market of eLearning apps and find out all the resources and competitor apps.

This will help you make a reevaluation of the idea, which is important before starting the app development. This re-assessment will help you to understand how far chosen niche is competitive and whether you have chances to stay ahead of the competition by making some value additions. You can also learn the shortcomings that your app can avoid and deliver a better learning platform.

Always remember that the final app product may strikingly differ from the original app idea just because it passes through evaluation and changes that naturally follow in the process. The discovery stage is to be taken seriously if you want to build an app that finds resonance instantly with its learner audience.


The Covid pandemic has brought extreme changes in all spheres of life. Particularly educational institutions and millions of students suffered the onslaught of these drastic measures most. Globally, millions of students were forced to adopt mobile learning apps to continue their classes. While the effects of the pandemic are slowly fading away, eLearning as an era-defining education mode is likely to retain its dominance in the years to come. But for the same reason, eLearning will also be a tremendously competitive industry. The superior learning experience will be key to winning this competition.

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