I am interested in speeding up the amount of time it takes for a preview of a project to load in a browser. I am using firefox which was recommended to me by Adobe. I have a relatively small project, but it takes a very long time for it to load.
I tried several troubleshooting steps that seemed somewhat common sense to me, like deleting unused items from the project library, emptying the cache from captivate from time to time, and deleting temp files that were on my computer.
These actions did not seem to result in any identifiable positive change, so I would welcome any advice : )
A related question I have would be, is there an optimal file size for Adobe Captivate Projects? Is there a direct correlation between more slides and longer preview times? Or is it more to do with the file size of objects, media in the project?
Thank you
The actions you mention have no impact on the loading time whatsoever. Unused items in the Project Library are not included in the output, clearing cache or temp files will only help to speed up development, but will not affect the loading time of a published project.
Check the file size in the panel Project Info (which you can open from the Window menu). It has a button which allows to calculate the file size of the published project. To decrease loading time the file size needs to decrease which can be done in multiple ways:
- Use graphics in the wanted size, do not change size in Captivate
- Audio/Video settings should be as low as possible for acceptable quality.
- Avoid a heavy first slide: little audio, no video.
- Use SVGs instead of bitmap images when possible
- Do not create projects with a very high resolution.
BTW did you try other browsers? I use mostly Chrome and Edge, rarely FF and never IE nor Safari.
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