Step-by-step workflow to edit Quick Start Project interactions slides to force the first view. Two (free) Shared actions are used, and you do not have to understand the original advanced actions to follow this workflow.
Recently I posted an example project, which answered several forum questions: for Tabs (and other) interactions, how can you force the first view, which means the Next button can only appear when all tabs (or other buttons) have been clicked. You can find that project here:
Forced View for Tabs interactions – eLearning (
It is recommended to view that project, and to download the Library project for which I posted a link. You will have read that the included Learning Interaction ‘Tabs’ (or similar) do not allow easily to realize this solution. I proposed to use one of the many Ready-to-go slides from the Quick Start Projects in combination with two shared action to achieve the goal. This blog explains the workflow in 3 steps.
Step 0: Next buttons
Add the Next button to each slide, and hide it in output. I labeled them SB_Next_Earth; SB_Next_Safety, SB_Next_Alliance
Step 1: import the shared actions to your project
- Open the Library panel in your project. Scroll to the Shared actions subfolder.
- Use File, Import, External Library and point to the downloaded project file. It will appear in a floating panel top left of your screen.
- Find the Shared actions folder in that external library and select BOTH shared actions.
- Drag them to the Shared actions folder in your project library. They will both appear with a usage of 0. But the variables used in those actions will now appear in the Variables dialog box (Project, Variables).
You can watch this step in a video clip:
Step 2: use VarsCreateForceTabs action as Reset action
- Check the On Enter event for the Quick Start Project slide you want to use. In many case that will be the default action ‘No Action’. If that is the case, apply the Shared action ‘VarsCreateForceTabs’ to the event. It will need only one parameter: the number of tabs.
- If the On Enter event triggered another action than ‘No action’, screen that action. In many cases it is a superfluous action. One example is the ‘Horizontal Tabs’ layout in the Business project. It has an On Enter action to reset states to the Normal state, but that action is not needed since such a reset happens automatically when you re-enter the slide. Reason: the option Retain State on revisiting slide is unchecked.
- If the existing On Enter action has to be done, you need to use the Shared action as template to create an advanced action. In that advanced action you’ll need to add the existing action, which can be done by copy/paste eventually on a new decision tab. In the available Quick Start Projects the On Enter actions are never conditional.
- Using the described workflow, the Next button will remain visible when the slide is revisited. That is mostly the required situation: only on a first visit clicking all the tabs is required to get the Next button, but later on that is no longer the case.
Second step is also shown in this video clip:
Step 3: use ForceTabs as template for Tab action
- Select a Tab button on the slide. In the following screenshots I selected the first button on the slide from Earth, which will have the name C2R37_BTN_xx (xx will be a number added by Captivate to make the name unique).
- Check its action in the Properties panel, Actions. Open that action in the Advanced Actions dialog box. For all the ready-to-go slides with a similar Tabs interaction, those actions always have one standard decision. No IF conditional decisions, nor While loops
- Select all the commands in that action, copy them to the clipboard (Edit menu, right-click menu or with CTRL-C).
- Open the shared action ‘ForceTabs’ from the dropdown list top left (starts with Blank). You’ll need to fill in the two parameters in the dropdown lists. First parameter which appears in the two first decisions is the tracking variable. Second parameter in this case is the Next button, which was hidden in output. A Preview of such a filled in shared action is visible in this screenshot, created for the first tab button in the slide taken from the Earth QSP:
- Return to the first decision ‘Always’, on the second line (after the ‘Increment’ command), paste the commands copied to the clipboard (CTRL-C or from the menu). Save the advanced action with a unique name. For that same tab button as the previous screenshot, this would result in:
- Assign the new advanced action (in the example SB1_Earth_act) to the tab tutton.
You will need to repeat this third step for each of the tab buttons. Eventually you could also duplicate the advanced action for the first tab, and edit the duplicates. Do not forget to copy the commands from the original advanced action on the tab to the first decision ‘Always’ after the Increment command. In that scenario, only the first parameter (tracking variable) needs to be edited, but in the first AND the second decision. If you start from the shared action as template you need to define that parameter only once. However you don’t need to edit the last decision, because the Next button will be the same for all the tab buttons if you work with duplicate advanced actions.
Here is the video clip for the third step:
Although this blog was meant in the first place to answer a forum question, I had a hidden agenda (a badass?):
- Using shared actions as template
- Using shared actions to avoid creating variables over and over again
- Combining existing advanced actions with filled in shared actions
- Understanding and extending the use of Ready-to-go slides from the Quick Start Projects.
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