November 21, 2021
“How To Name A Planet” module for young learners
November 21, 2021
“How To Name A Planet” module for young learners
Lifelong educator and artist. 
Explorer 1 posts
Followers: 0 people


Here’s a head’s up. When you get to the conclusion page…

Choose the Screever’s Alien Arty-Facts first. If you choose the Cosmic Achievement Award first you’ll be taken to my website and when you hit the back button you have to go from the beginning. If you choose Screever’s Alien Arty-Facts first you will be brought back to the conclusion page again and can choose the Cosmic Achievement Award after the entire module has been viewed.

1 Comment
2021-11-22 08:46:32
2021-11-22 08:46:32

This is a fantastic project for young learners. Thanks for sharing!

Would you mind sharing the source file of this project to We’d like to showcase it on the Free Projects’ page under the Education section and share it on our social media handles. This project would receive a lot more views if it’s uploaded there. I would suggest you to complete your profile on community as well so people can contact you easily.

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