November 18, 2021
Interactive widget – Scrolling Text
November 18, 2021
Interactive widget – Scrolling Text
Newbie 4 posts
Followers: 0 people

I am using captivate 2019.

The interactive widget scrolling text does not work for HTML5 configuration.  Is this by design or am I doing something wrong?

Is there an alternate for scrolling text box?

Thank you

2021-11-23 18:11:19
2021-11-23 18:11:19

Thanks as always Lieve

2021-11-22 19:46:12
2021-11-22 19:46:12

Another option that would allow you to edit the text in Captivate as well as adjust the speed and amount of scroll is to craft a custom  “Scroll Effect”. Instead of dragging a scroll bar – the learner would simply press an up or down arrow to scroll the text box.

I offer this as one of many possible JavaScript options that might be acceptable in certain situations. I decided this would be a fun project so if you’re interested, I will be sharing this idea as part of my idea series later this week.

Greg Stager
's comment
2021-11-25 13:51:16
2021-11-25 13:51:16
Greg Stager
's comment
2021-11-22 14:00:53
2021-11-22 14:00:53

Check out this great solution by Crabby By Design over on YouTube. You cannot edit it directly in Adobe Captivate but this works well if you want something like it.

2021-11-22 08:24:16
2021-11-22 08:24:16

For me it works perfectly, and I have even some blog posts with example output to HTML. Maybe have a look at:

I use this interaction a lot to replace the Text Entry Box, which is the alternative. Both have advantages and disadvantages. The interaction is not interactive in Captivate’s meaning: it doesn’t allow to attach an action nor can be scored directly.

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