November 22, 2021
PowerPoint PDF to Illustrator Issue
November 22, 2021
PowerPoint PDF to Illustrator Issue
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

I exported a PPT to PDF with layers and then opened it in Illustrator. The words are now character hash symbols, basically just gibberish. What can be done?

2021-11-23 11:34:54
2021-11-23 11:34:54

May I suggest to post this in the Adobe Illustrator forum? This is the eLearning community. Personally I do use Illustrator as well, mostly to create or edit SVGs for eLearning courses. My suspicion is that getting an answer is more probable in a dedicated forum.


2021-11-23 11:25:50
2021-11-23 11:25:50

Check to see if the font you used in PowerPoint is also available in Illustrator. If you’ve use an uncommon font, it might not be available to both programs. Does PowerPoint allow you to embed fonts on export to PDF?

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