November 15, 2021
PowerPoints load faster from layout to layout | Adobe Connect
November 15, 2021
PowerPoints load faster from layout to layout | Adobe Connect
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When you go from layout to layout and you see it loading, well, no more!
My layouts go linearly as we go through the class. Sometimes when we go to the next layout and if the PowerPoint or a shared pod contains a large file, it takes a moment to load.

We learned if you share that same file on the previous slide but have it very small and hidden underneath the other pods, it is already loaded and ready to go when you go to the next layout! You can have the same pod shared between different layouts if you didn’t already know that. Sometimes I do the one after as well just in case the instructor wanted to go back because the they forgot to mention or go over something.

1 Comment
2021-11-23 18:14:14
2021-11-23 18:14:14

thanks for the tip!!

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