There must be some tool out there to fix a common problem which I have also faced that is the LMS throws file too large error whenever a large SCORM file is uploaded, editing and compression of SCORM file gets tricky for large courses I am still looking for a solution of this problem.
Well Compressing can be done in many ways, you can also take help of professional tools like Doctor Elearning i stumbled upon it when i was trying to edit my scorm file. here is the link
This problem probably needs a solution to be found in the LMS. The LMS people can set a limit for the size of the SCOs to be uploaded. When I was using Blackboard in university college, I needed to ask them to increase the limit for my courses, which they did. Have you contacted those responsible for your LMS?
A few questions to help minimize file sizes and narrow down what may be the easiest solution:
Are you publishing in HTML5 or SWF or both? HTML5 can give you much smaller files, so unless you need SWF for some reason, deselect it in publish settings.
Are you uploading the Zip Files to your LMS? Uploading Zip Files in HTML5 can greatly reduce the overall file sizes.
Are you publishing Adobe Connect Metadata? Turning it on will increase published file size. If you don’t use Adobe Connect and you don’t believe your content is ever likely to be uploaded to Connect, leave this option deselected.
Are you publishing audio as Mono and not Stereo? Stereo is most often not needed and increases the file size greatly.
On your LMS Advanced Settings, do you have the “Send Data on Every Slide” Selected? This can greatly reduce the size of the files.
You can also use a program like TinyURL to minimize the image file sizes of the course.
Why do you still talk about SWF? Flash player has been banished from all browsers. Moreover output for SWF used to be much smaller than HTML output. The dual publishing has no sense anymore.
You offer solutions to decrease the file size for the output, which is fine. A SCO however is always zipped automatically when creating it from Captivate.
Send Data on Every slide is the default SCORM template in Captivate.
I was simply asking questions to help determine what can be done to reduce file size. I know there is really no use for SWF at all anymore, but it is an option that can be selected and can increase file sizes if it is selected. Which is why I said to deselect it. I am not even sure why it is an option on Captivate any longer, but maybe that is one of the things that will change with the newest version next year.
It should be zipped automatically, unless the default settings in Publish Settings has been changed.
It is the default, but it can be deselected easily if not needed. It increases the file size exponentially. Try publishing an existing file with tit selected and then deselect it and publish it again, the file size is greatly reduced from that one simple action, so unless the LMS needs to report data on every slide, then it can simply be deselected.
The way you talked about SWF was confusing, because you were talking not about difference between SWF and HTML output, but about dual publishing.
About file size reduction: using graphics in the exact size you want them instead of resizing them in Captivate will reduce file size considerably. Same is valid for (passive) videos if you have those in the project. Something less known is that replacing duplicate advanced actions by one shared action with parameters also reduces file size. You talked about audio, which settings need to be lowered as much as possible to have an acceptable quality.
The final output size can always be checked in Captivate using the panel ‘Project info’ which has a button both for SWF (now unnecessary) and HTML calculation. See screenshot attached. That can be very useful while reducing file size.
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