January 31, 2022
Music and eLearning Creation
January 31, 2022
Music and eLearning Creation
Master 12 posts
Followers: 1 people

One of the things I love about creating eLearning is the process. Hunkering down at my desk with snacks, drinks and background music.

  • Do you listen to music when creating? If so, what?
  • Do particular types of music get your creative juices flowing or hinder you?
  • Do you include music in your eLearning content?

(Today I’ve listened to mostly Billy Idol, Metallica and Mouthwash!)

2022-02-09 01:29:45
2022-02-09 01:29:45

Classical music or Zero 7 radio on Pandora. Gets me in the zone

2022-02-03 16:54:49
2022-02-03 16:54:49

I do enjoy listening while working but no lyrics for me.

Spyro Gyra or some other light Jazz would be my choice.

Greg Stager
's comment
2022-02-03 17:07:39
2022-02-03 17:07:39
Greg Stager
's comment

I’ll have to give that a go! I got a broad musical taste, but never really looked into jazz! Tomorrow will be spyro gyra! 😁

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