March 27, 2022
Physics-based interactions?
March 27, 2022
Physics-based interactions?
Guide 10 posts
Followers: 1 people

Captivate has so many interesting applications and features.

Drag and Drop
Click to Reveal
Hotspot Interactions

I am curious if any sort of physics based interactions for objects are, or will be made available one day. One object rejecting another, or two objects engaged in a magnetic type of interaction. Or allowing more free and interesting movement between objects. While those properties are not traditional for elearning, the gamification of elearning with captivate might benefit from this sort of feature. Does anyone have any thoughts or information about this?

Thank you

2022-03-30 16:44:01
2022-03-30 16:44:01

Sorry, I posted a long answer but it has not yet been approved. The portal seems to have a lot of problems today. Too bad, I liked this discussion and wanted to answer but it is too frustrating when an answer appears first, then disappears after I corrected a typo.

That answer just reappeared, a day after I posted it.

2022-03-30 10:05:18
2022-03-30 10:05:18

To be honest, I was chuckling about your sentence ‘ definition, elearning is more of a “static” experience.’. Where did you find that definition because to me that is a contradiction. When I started to use eLearning assets (created with Captivate) in college, the goal was to enable more personalized, interactive training for all my students. Emphasis on ‘interactive’ which is the opposite of ‘static’ to me (one of my grades is engineering). I agree that most ‘eLearning’ is indeed not interactive, passive video seems to be the summit although all theoretical blogs about efficiency of eLearning assets proclaim the value of interactivity.

For sure, my expectations for eLearning may be different, reason why my peers (professors in university college) joked that they would understand me in the future, maybe 20-30 years Reason why I appreciate the flexibility of Captivate and (you don’t have to believe me), my students loved my eLearning assets. However I do not believe that you cannot develop skills only with eLearning. Assets developed with a tool like Captivate can be an important part of the learning process, if they are developed by skilled pedagogically schooled experts who take time to master the tool. Tools are just tools… often forgotten.

Thanks for the discussion and your ideas. Don’t accuse me about being condescending or cynical, I am frustrated often by the most developed eLearning assets, but I don’t blame the tool because that is seldom the real culprit.

A while ago the Adobe Community Professionals group asked me to explain the basics of interactivity in Captivate. Very simple examples, but it could be worthwhile to see:

You will find many Captivate examples on my blog, I mostly keep to them instead of publishing passive videos. You’ll find a quiz here in the portal which was part of an assessment for Captivate developers, created for a client. It is only partially created with the default SCORM question types.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2022-03-31 22:35:25
2022-03-31 22:35:25
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

Right, well what I meant was, in the context of the discussion and reply, was that it is “more static” when *Compared* to game development/games, as you had mentioned Animate, and I was asking about the potential for physics-based interactions in captivate. I absolutely do not think elearning is a static experience. Nor do I want it to be : )


's comment
2022-04-01 10:45:51
2022-04-01 10:45:51
's comment

Even Animate has no ‘magnetic’ feature, although the possibilities to use snapping are more elaborate than in Captivate.

Understood: you want to have all animation features more extended. Do you realize that a collaboration between animations/games created in Animate and Captivate is possible using JavaScript or the great solutions with the widgets developed by InfoSemantics (Australia)? Add those widgets and JS to Captivate and the possibilities increase exponentially.

Thanks for the discussion, too bad that no other users participated.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2022-04-01 18:03:40
2022-04-01 18:03:40
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

This is good info, thank you. Yes, a good discussion.


2022-03-29 14:02:36
2022-03-29 14:02:36

Interesting, but could you explain how you would use this in eLearning? There used to be game interactions which used the gyrator functionality of mobile devices. Did you ever use motion paths, customized or not? Snapping to objects and to guides? Captivate is not meant to be a game developing tool (use Animate for that goal) but simple games are possible, I have posted several examples on my blog and here in the portal.

Most recent post here shows how to use custom motion paths to replace boring bullet lists, click/reveal and quite a while ago I used them to create board games.

Fractioning Motion Paths – eLearning (

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2022-03-29 23:35:59
2022-03-29 23:35:59
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

I suppose that by definition, elearning is more of a “static” experience. Let’s say you wanted to have certain objects have some animation upon entrance to a slide, in a loop, or allow the user to manipulate objects and animation in a way that is less static than traditional e-learning – more in common with a simple shooter or platformer, moving objects, utilized to teach certain concepts. You are absolutely right that captivate is not for games and other software is better suited to create simple gamified experiences, but a part of me feels that there is some potential for growth for captivate in this area. I guess that you are right and you could do this with custom motion paths for certain objects, which when clicked could process certain variables for knowledge checks. Thank you for your thoughts on this subject. I have used motion paths and they are very useful.


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