March 3, 2022
Publishing in Captivate
March 3, 2022
Publishing in Captivate
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

I have 2019 captivate none of the extras.   I have a whole presentation ready to be published however when I go to publish it; none of the widgets work.   My companies computers do not have flash on them so I am publishing it through HTML5.  Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?

2022-03-15 21:58:13
2022-03-15 21:58:13

Great answer, Lieve. Very clear. I like how you are also asking for more information to find out about how the person is using the product. Hopefully they answer soon so we can see if the issue was resolved.

's comment
2022-03-16 18:56:27
2022-03-16 18:56:27
's comment

It is rather frustrating, because most users posting questions never come back to look for the answers. Possibly because they just want points…

2022-03-04 08:54:18
2022-03-04 08:54:18

Under the common name ‘CP2019’ there are several releases, can you please provide the full version number which you can find under Help, About Captivate.

Widgets are not compatible with HTML output, but I suspect you are talking about the Learning Interactions which are made compatible. However to check their functionality you need to upload the published folder to a webserver. Did you do that? Local testing is not always given the full functionality. Which browser(s) did you use for testing?

Are you on Windows or Mac and in each case which OS?

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