April 28, 2022
Override language selection in publish settings for Scorm 1.2
April 28, 2022
Override language selection in publish settings for Scorm 1.2
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people


We have scorm files produced in Norwegian, however the publish settings for det project is not available in this language (we have to use English). When publishing out scorm course in our LMS, some users experience problems with this. Their web browser recognizes the course as an English written course and then translates it to Norwegian (user error by allowing it to translate og their default preference for English web pages). This makes the course unreadable with strange frases and words that makes no sense.

I tried overriding the HTML-file with a code: html lang=”nb” class=”notranslate” translate=”no”. This does not work. Has anyone experienced similar problems?

Thank you.

2022-04-29 16:31:14
2022-04-29 16:31:14

Not sure what happens for you. The languages in the Publish settings are indeed limited to the 6 languages which Captivate can be bought. However I have published lot of courses in Dutch (which is also not a Captivate language), used the Spelling control which is available for Dutch and never experienced any issues with the LMSs I have used. Since you specify that this is a problem only for some users, it seems to be due to the setup of the browsers for those users. Even that never bothered me, although I have some browsers set up in English instead of Dutch.

I wonder if anything can be done about it in Captivate. Did you try to check out the course in SCORM Cloud to see if your LMS could be the culprit?

2022-04-29 15:43:49
2022-04-29 15:43:49

Which LMS are you using? Is there any way to set the default language?

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