April 16, 2022
Unwanted PAUSE
April 16, 2022
Unwanted PAUSE
Newbie 2 posts
Followers: 0 people

Unwanted pauses occur when my responsive project is uploaded to our LMS

2022-04-29 17:37:19
2022-04-29 17:37:19

Here is an example of where I’m stuck — I edited the feedback response in orange, and it distorted the rest of the slide and I don’t know how to “hide” it.  Just a mess:



2022-04-29 16:43:58
2022-04-29 16:43:58

I have uploaded my quiz, which I hope to use as a template for the other seven courses, when I get it working properly.  I simply want to:

  1. Show “incorrect: the correct answer is….” ONCE and then go to the next slide
  2. The learner gets one attempt and is shown the correct answer
  3. But give the learner 3 attempts to pass the entire quiz
  4. If they fail after three attempts they have to have a talk with the educator


Attachment  Wired-Abbott.cptx

2022-04-19 08:22:44
2022-04-19 08:22:44

You talk about ‘Go to Next Slide’, which means that you have inserted interactive objects to use that command, or you have used it in one of the actions (Success, Last Attempt) on a quiz or Knowledge check slide. Can you provide some more details? Knowing that you are using responsive projects is important as well, but normally has no direct relation to the pausing issues you are mentioning.  To learn more about pauses in Captivate, you may have a look at this blog post:


It explains how pausing can occur, and the difference between the command ‘Pause’ and pausing points which can be inserted automatically on slides or with interactive objects like buttons.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2022-04-29 16:34:07
2022-04-29 16:34:07
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

Ms, Weymeis, I am honored to receive your reply.  I have solved the unwanted pause problem by finding a post about it in which they recommend several quiz settings including:

  1. Only checking Quiz is passed, NOT slide views, in quiz preferences or Deselect option to “send data on every slide”
  2. In Quiz template choose “Send Tracking Data at End”
  3. Deselect “interactiion Data” in Advanced

Again, these are all settings in the Quiz > Preferences

I am struggling with all my brain power to master showing feedback on my Responsive Quizzes.  I have to complete 7 courses which will each consist of a Quiz.   If only I could find one webinar or training or guide, to show me how to set up my Quiz template.  Suggestions?

Best, Susan Garrett, Cottage Health, Santa Barbara



Susan Garrett
's comment
2022-04-29 18:12:01
2022-04-29 18:12:01
Susan Garrett
's comment

I am a bit stupefied. To my experience none of the 3 workflows you mention have anything to do with unwanted pauses.

  1. Whether you want slide views combined with the result of the Quiz, how could that influence pauses? If you use SCORM 2004 you can even one of them as Completion criterion and the other as Success criterion.
  2. Is the same as the last part of 1. Both SCORM templates have advantages and disadvantages. If you choose to send all data at the end, the learner may be very frustrated if something happens and he has to retake the whole quiz.
  3. If you do not send Interaction Data to the LMS you cannot really judge the information stored on the LMS.

Search in this portal for my blog post ‘Quiz Resources’, you’ll find around 40 tutorials about Quizzes, from basic till very complicated. Here is one link about the Quiz master slides in a Fluid Boxes project:


Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2022-04-29 18:25:46
2022-04-29 18:25:46
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

Thank you kindly for this reply and link to your blog post!  I’ve uploaded a screenshot with example of a slide where I get the answer feedback in the object, and then it distorts my slide and I can’t manage it.  I’ll look at your blog post(s) — TX!

Note: not sure why/if the settings affected the pause thing but basically whatever I can find to reduce server latency is helping when I upload to our Oracle LMS.




2022-04-18 13:27:57
2022-04-18 13:27:57

It’s difficult to know without knowing more about your project. Perhaps you can tell us which version of Adobe Captivate you are running (the latest is 11.8) and perhaps provide us with a full screenshot of the slides where this is happening.

Paul Wilson
's comment
2022-04-29 16:35:53
2022-04-29 16:35:53
Paul Wilson
's comment

Mr Wilson, I am honored to receive your reply.  I am copying here what I sent to Lieve Weymeis who also replied to me.  You cannot imagine how much comfort it gives me to know that you two professionals have replied to my question.  I have solved the unwanted pause problem by finding a post about it in which they recommend several quiz settings including:

  1. Only checking Quiz is passed, NOT slide views, in quiz preferences or Deselect option to “send data on every slide”
  2. In Quiz template choose “Send Tracking Data at End”
  3. Deselect “interactiion Data” in Advanced

Again, these are all settings in the Quiz > Preferences

Paul, as I mentioned to Lieve, I am struggling with all my brain power to master showing feedback on my Responsive Quizzes.  I have to complete 7 courses which will each consist of a Quiz.   If only I could find one webinar or training or guide, to show me how to set up my Quiz template.  Suggestions?

Best, Susan Garrett, Cottage Health, Santa Barbara

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