I am interested in created quizzes with Capticate that will automatically grade and import grade to a Blackboard grade book. I’m not a fan of the blackboard quiz feature from an instructors view.
I have been using Captivate’s features, including quizzes, with Blackboard.
It is rather simple: create the quiz in Captivate, with question slides and/or custom scored objects. Make sure to set up the Reporting section in the Quiz Preferences in order to create a SCO when publishing. A SCO is a zipped package including all necessary files for SCORM protocol which allows transfer of data to Blackboard. After a session in the course the learner’s score will be transmitted automatically to her/his gradebook.
More about Preferences in this blog post:
Captivate’s Quizzes (4): Preferences – eLearning (adobe.com)
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