I’m new to Adobe Captivate as a Learning Management System but I’ve only used Canvas before. Does anyone know how Adobe Captivate compares to Canvas in terms of ease of use for the creator and the user? What kinds of accessibility features does it have that might be different? I’m excited to try something new so I have a better idea of what else is available besides only knowing one LMS.
Thank you!
Adobe Captivate Prime as LMS is similar to using other LMSs. So, you can manage your students and courses from a single point. Maybe this link gives you more idea about the differences between Canvas; https://elearningindustry.com/directory/compare/learning-management-systems/adobe-captivate-prime-vs-canvas
Oh, I didn’t know that the name was changing – probably a good thing. I have known a few people to get confused by the naming and what each tool was used for. Not too difficult for those engrossed in it, but when people who are not familiar with them speak of them, they often switch the two.
But I must have missed an announcement. I’ve been busy the past few months with some things, so I can’t keep up with everything I suppose.
Adobe Captivate is an authoring tool, not a LMS. Maybe you mean Captivate Prime? That is a Learning Management System (works find with Adobe Captivate) which gets a lot of praise, due to the ease of its setup and the fact that it is supporting xAPI which isn’t the case for some older LMSs.
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