June 26, 2022
Free Projects downloads will not open
June 26, 2022
Free Projects downloads will not open

Craig Kasnoff has been involved in
media and conservation for over 40 years. He has been involved in endangered
species issues for over 25 years.
As a writer his work has appeared in
The Christian Science Monitor, The Seattle Times, and other regional and
national publications. His early investigative environmental writing was
recognized by the Society of Professional Journalists and the Fund for
Investigative Journalism. In media Craig created the nationally syndicated Rock and the Environment radio program which, for 10 years featured interviews with some of the world's leading rock musicians. Craig also created a number of endangered species education websites including Bagheera.com which are visited by hundreds of thousands of individuals each year. As a media consultant Craig has consulted with media companies such as Starwave and Microsoft and for conservation organizations such as the American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) and the Earth Charter Project. For Craig's full bio click the link at the "ON THE WEB" section below.

Followers: 1 people
Not only am I getting the Deceptive Website error message when I try to view the Captivate Projects in the Free Projects area, when I download a Captivate project to view it on my own laptop I get an error message that Captivate cannot open the file as it may be corrupted.
I am posting here as I am curious if anyone else is having similar issues.
Oh…and I pulled up the elearning.adobe.com/ site on my mobile phone and I get the same Deceptive Website error message. Granted I use Google Chrome on my phone as well as my laptop, but at least I know it’s not an error with my laptop.

Craig Kasnoff has been involved in
media and conservation for over 40 years. He has been involved in endangered
species issues for over 25 years.
As a writer his work has appeared in
The Christian Science Monitor, The Seattle Times, and other regional and
national publications. His early investigative environmental writing was
recognized by the Society of Professional Journalists and the Fund for
Investigative Journalism. In media Craig created the nationally syndicated Rock and the Environment radio program which, for 10 years featured interviews with some of the world's leading rock musicians. Craig also created a number of endangered species education websites including Bagheera.com which are visited by hundreds of thousands of individuals each year. As a media consultant Craig has consulted with media companies such as Starwave and Microsoft and for conservation organizations such as the American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) and the Earth Charter Project. For Craig's full bio click the link at the "ON THE WEB" section below.

Followers: 1 people
Craig Kasnoff has been involved in
media and conservation for over 40 years. He has been involved in endangered
species issues for over 25 years.
As a writer his work has appeared in
The Christian Science Monitor, The Seattle Times, and other regional and
national publications. His early investigative environmental writing was
recognized by the Society of Professional Journalists and the Fund for
Investigative Journalism. In media Craig created the nationally syndicated Rock and the Environment radio program which, for 10 years featured interviews with some of the world's leading rock musicians. Craig also created a number of endangered species education websites including Bagheera.com which are visited by hundreds of thousands of individuals each year. As a media consultant Craig has consulted with media companies such as Starwave and Microsoft and for conservation organizations such as the American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) and the Earth Charter Project. For Craig's full bio click the link at the "ON THE WEB" section below.
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