August 11, 2022
Captivate 2019 – hyperlinks underlining and color changing
August 11, 2022
Captivate 2019 – hyperlinks underlining and color changing
Explorer 6 posts
Followers: 2 people


Hoping you can help with the proper way to set up hyperlinks in text boxes.

I have 2 hyperlinked words in a text box. One links to an external URL and the other is set to go to the next slide (internal link). See the 2 screenshots I’ve attached. NOTE: I purposely have the internal link set to underline because the external links are underlining even though I do not have them set this way.

Also note in the third screenshot how the left ‘here’ link is a purple color, while the right ‘here’ link is the blue that I’ve set in the properties. Actually both links are set to the same blue.

My question is: does Captivate force the underline for external links? If so, can this be turned off? As for the purple color: where is this coming from? Can it be forced to show the blue that I’ve selected in the properties?


This is the EXTERNAL URL setting (I do not have the underline selected):

This is what both links look like on the live project page:

This is the INTERNAL link setting (I purposely have the Underline selected)

2022-08-15 12:59:06
2022-08-15 12:59:06

Hello Klaus,

Do you have any thoughts as to why my hyperlinks would show underlines when I DO NOT have the U-button selected for external links? I see this in all of my projects regardless of not having the U-button selected.



's comment
2022-08-15 13:49:03
2022-08-15 13:49:03
's comment

Hm, I’m not sure. Is the problem already showing in Captivate? When you unselect the U-button does it still show the underline in Captivate? Or does it show first after publishing and in the browser?

I made a test – one hyperlink non-underlined. another underlined. The non-underlined is this HTML:
<span style=”cursor: pointer; font-size: 24px; overflow-wrap: normal;”
ontouchstart=”cp.hyperlinkClick(‘HL974104_1920_0’);” origfontsize=”24px”>
The link text</span>
The underlined is this HTML:
<span style=”text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer; font-size: 26.7006px;
overflow-wrap: normal;” onclick=”cp.hyperlinkClick(‘HL949717_1920_0’);”
ontouchstart=”cp.hyperlinkClick(‘HL949717_1920_0’);” origfontsize=”28px”>
The link text</span>
As you can see, the underlined has a clear style rule: text-decoration: underline.

Can you check that with Developer Tools in your browser? By the way: which OS and browser do you use?



2022-08-12 13:43:16
2022-08-12 13:43:16

Hi Terry

does Captivate force the underline for external links?

No. By default, at first, links in text captions are underlined. But when you deselect the U-button (underlined) then the underline will disappear.

As for the purple color: where is this coming from?

The link colour comes from the Color field, when you precisely highlight in your case the hyperlinked word “here”. Not sure, where the purple is coming from. It looks a bit like the purple colour (#551a8) most browsers use by default to indicate a link to a webpage which has been already visited (a:visited). Not sure, I don’t experience this issue in Captivate. You could try to clear all browsing history in the browser to see if the link colour gets your set blue.


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