I am trying to share my project with my director and manager. We do not have an LMS. I have tried to copy the the html link if preview mode and they are unable to open the link. My project is published and I am unsure of the Scorm cloud. I have watched several videos but none seem to help with my issues. Thank you in advance for your help.
You can upload to AWS directly, no need to use the platform here. It is an Amazon service. But I prefer using part of my domain as webserver. You can also set up any system (even an older one) to be used as webserver. Google for the available applications to do so.
However: if you created a SCO, which is a project where Reporting has been activated in the Quiz Preferences, you cannot just upload to any webserver but you need a LMS. In that case SCORM Cloud is a good idea, it allows uploading a limited number of projects for free and you can invite learners for testing. An LMS allows reporting.
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