December 12, 2022
Assessment in Captivate
I have set up a course for medical staff where they watch a series of Demo videos, complete some try me simulations and then are directed to attempt the assessment.
The assessment consists of the completion of 4 mini simulations.
The SME would like each assessment simulation to report a score (e.g.4/10, 8/10, 10/10, 5/10)
Then have a total score to output on a results page once all are complete (e.g. 27/40 You have passed this module)
Is this even possible? I can only get the 4 mini assessments to output into one final Results page i.e. the score out of 40…
Thank you
1 Comment
You have posted this same question in the Adobe forum, and got answers, confirmed to be correct. I will put the link here, for the sake of other users with a similar problem:
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