December 8, 2022
Software Simulation and Advanced Actions
December 8, 2022
Software Simulation and Advanced Actions
Explorer 2 posts
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Hi Guys

In my dream scenario I would like a red outline shape to appear on my software simulation (to show where I want someone to click) only when the incorrect smartshape appears.

At the moment the red outline is visible all the time, which makes the activity a bit too easy.

Is this possible?  I can’t seem to execute an advanced action in the SIM as nothing is technically a “Button” that they need to click on.

Thank you

1 Comment
2022-12-14 10:31:01
2022-12-14 10:31:01

I am a bit confused now: if you are in Assessment or Training mode in a software simulation, you do have a Click Box or a Text Entry Box on each slide. Both can trigger an advanced or (much better in this case) a shared action the same way as any button. Both are interactive objects, have an Actions tab with Success and (eventually) Last Attempt events.

It is clear that you have edited the Defaults under Preferences, Recording because the highlight box in the default setup is only appearing for the Demo mode.

I can help you better if you answer some questions:

  • Are you using a Training or an Assessment simulation, captured in that mode?
  • Did you change the Default setup to have a Highlight box appearing automatically?
  • What are the Properties of the Click boxes in the sim? I am especially interested in the number of attempts you are allowing.
  • You talk about an ‘incorrect smartshape’ which means also you switched from Captions (default setup for sims) to shapes in Preferences, Recording, Modes. Can you show a screenshot of that Preference in the mode you have used during capture?

After reading your answers, I will offer you a solution with a Shared action. You may need to add the Highlight boxes manually because the one that appears automatically has no ID and cannot be addressed by any action. I explained a similar use case in this blog post:


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