December 6, 2022
VR – The final frontier?
December 6, 2022
VR – The final frontier?
HI! I give training in Captivate, but don't have any 'work experience' creating content for real world projects or clients.
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I am currently training adults – level one Captivate. I’m an Adobe certified trainer in Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat, This adventure is  interesting. The idea of creating a 3D VR space  and populating it.

How cool is that!!

Looking back – I can see There’s always been – almost a yearning, to create a 3D place. Maybe it’s the little boy building a fort out of blankets.

A way of closing out the world, and creating an inner space…

I would LOVE to see examples – please DO share, that would be AMAZING… too many caps – dial down the excitement maybe?

Anyway – you get the 3D picture.

If you had a 3D ID, what would it be called? An I3D? 3DI?

1 Comment
2022-12-14 10:04:48
2022-12-14 10:04:48

I understand your excitement of course. However – after decades of teaching/coaching in several situations –  I am bit hesitating.  Both in formal education and in other coaching environments this would need considerable budgets. Not only to acquire hardware (its value is overestimated) but also to have efficient assets being developed, and train the trainers to use both hardware and assets.

Maybe I am too cynical, but I have spent a lot of time trying to have my peers in the university college to accept the plus value of interactive courses on the LMS. The existing courses which I developed where abandoned quickly when I retired.

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