April 20, 2023
Need help!
April 20, 2023
Need help!
Followers: 4 people

Hi there! I have been given multiple courses in PDF format and even some printouts for which I must design activities, identify scenarios for videos, etc. Later, these courses will be converted to elearning as well. I need help deciding how to approach the project in a standardized manner with a quick TAT. If anyone has worked on a similar project previously, please show me the way! 

2023-05-17 13:01:01
2023-05-17 13:01:01

Hello <>! In a previous project like this, I used a template approach to design activities for each course. I created a standardized format for the activities, with sections for objectives, instructions, and assessment criteria. This helped ensure that all activities were consistent in terms of layout and format. 

2023-05-09 12:38:22
2023-05-09 12:38:22

I think I can throw some light on this… I’ve worked on similar projects before, and one approach that has worked well for me is creating a design system for the courses. This involves defining a set of reusable components that can be used across all courses, such as buttons, icons, and images. This approach can help speed up the design process and ensure consistency across all courses, even as they are converted to e-learning formats in the future.

2023-04-28 10:56:42
2023-04-28 10:56:42

Hey! When I worked on a similar project, I found it helpful to create a style guide to ensure consistency across all courses. You can define things like font, color, and layout guidelines, as well as any specific design elements or patterns to use. This can help ensure that all courses have a cohesive look and feel.  

2023-04-28 10:08:34
2023-04-28 10:08:34

Hey Elina. That sounds like a task.  As a graphic designer, I’ve worked on similar projects before. One approach you might consider is using a project management tool like Trello or Asana to organize the courses and activities. You can create a board or project for each course, and break it down into tasks like identifying scenarios, designing activities, and creating videos. It will help you remain organized and work towards the goal in a streamlined way.

2023-04-20 13:13:42
2023-04-20 13:13:42

I don’t mind helping.

2023-04-20 07:02:42
2023-04-20 07:02:42

Sorry if this sound rude but don’t you need a real expert in Captivate to figure out – in collaboration – how to  set up a good workflow? Do you have also Acrobat Pro available? What are your skills both with Captivate and Acrobat?

Even if someone pops in here who worked in a similar situation, it is not clear how to transfer the experience. I got assets to start eLearning courses in a lot of ways (Photoshop, Word, PDF…) but is is rare to be able to apply exactly the same workflow.

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