May 11, 2023
Dragging Phone to QR Codes — Free Captivate 2019 Template
Dear friends,
Glad to share a new Captivate template with Adobe eLearning community. It contains draggable phone and five parcels in cartons. The user must drag the phone to each cardboard box and press blue button to reveal the additional information. This template would be a great addition to any kind of web-design project (e-Learning course, advertisement, marketing, etc.).
The template is created with Adobe Captivate 2019 tool. It would be a great helper to check learner’s knowledge. Below you can try it’s demo, and download project`s source files (Captivate .cptx and graphics .ai files in a single ZIP archive).
View DEMO:
Download source files: MEGA
Hope that our templates will help you to create better courses!
Sincerely yours,
Ihor Meshkov
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