July 5, 2023
Drag & Drop in New Captivate
July 5, 2023
Drag & Drop in New Captivate

Hello! The drag and drop widget seems very buggy.

It looks fine in desktop view, but in tablet or phone view, things get -really- wonky, and it’s nearly impossible to navigate to see the correct items and their destination.

Also it would be great if there were an option which would disallow a user from dropping an item into the “wrong” destination – especially since this is a knowledge-check item, not a quiz.

Also when I get all 4 correct I got a positive response, (green banner, congratulations) but when I intentionally got the answers incorrect, nothing happened – no feedback.

I really would love to be able to use drag and drop. Is this the widget being buggy, or am I doing something incorrect? If it is bugginess, can you please tell me how to report to?

Thank you!

2023-08-14 22:26:42
2023-08-14 22:26:42

Were you able to get the dropped selection to line up vertically? When i drag them over their drop box size expands down for some reason and then they overlap (meaning you can’t see all the ones you have dropped into that drop box previously. How were able to get this to work?


2023-07-21 07:23:39
2023-07-21 07:23:39

Hi Lisa,

Please find my answers to your query:

  • Drag and drop widget is scrollable and not responsive as per design.
  • Also it would be great if there were an option which would disallow a user from dropping an item into the “wrong” destination – especially since this is a knowledge-check item, not a quiz. – This is there in the product roadmap but not there in the product as of now.
  • Also when I get all 4 correct I got a positive response, (green banner, congratulations) but when I intentionally got the answers incorrect, nothing happened – no feedback. – Not able to reproduce this issue. Please share the detailed steps. There might be some miss.

You can send your queries to : captivatehelp@adobe.com

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