July 5, 2023
Optimal dimensions for a video, to import into All New Captivate?
July 5, 2023
Optimal dimensions for a video, to import into All New Captivate?

Hello. I would like to import a video (which I created) into the course I am creating with All New Captivate. The video was previously created with square shape 1024 x 1024 because it was meant to view on a website, optimized for viewing on mobile devices. But when I import it into my All New Captivate Project and do a preview, it does not look so good. I am using “Video Design Option 1”, which is the first choice next to the default video display in the editing panel when you work with a video on a slide.

In the Desktop View it looks too small. (needs to be wider, obviously)

In Tablet view it looks okay, but I can see how it might be better if it was wider.

In phone view portrait I like that the full width of the screen is utilized, but there are annoying black bands of background at top and bottom which I seem to have no control over.

In phone view landscape it is not good because the video is taller than the screen and I must scroll up and down to see the full video.

(Probably not relevant but I am creating my videos by making slides in Keynote and then importing them as PDFs into Adobe Premiere and making the video there.)

Can someone please recommend the optimal dimensions that I should be using so that my video will look good size-wise in my Captivate Course?

1 Comment
2023-07-21 06:29:28
2023-07-21 06:29:28

Hi Lisa,

I see your problem. I suggest , import video, change the size of  video cb to which ever size to want by dragging resize handle. As per your video dimension try out the Aspect Ratio property in Property Inspector of the the video

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