New Cp Constraints
I have only spent about an hour trying to work with Captivate 12. I like the ability to add cards to the slide and being able to scroll down a slide. There will undoubtedly be challenges with the user interface there. For example, do you put the navigation buttons on the top of the first card or do you force the learner to scroll all the way to the bottom of the last card? It will be interesting to see how that shakes out.
But right now, it looks like we are limited to a few configurations. I could not find a way to add an image to a card, for example. Is it there and I am just not looking in the right spot? Buttons can only be right middle or left. Of course, one could argue that instructional designers should not have the freedom to put a button or a graphic any old place on a slide. We should leave such things to the experts. But compared to Cp11, this version feels constraining.
So far, it looks like a lot was compromised to achieve responsiveness. What am I missing?
All workflows to create responsive projects always ended up with a lot of constraints, limitations. Captivate now had already three different workflows, the oldest one (Breakpoint views) allows most control, the second one (Fluid Boxes) lost some control and stacking of objects became impossible, this new version is meant for new users and take out most of design control. The goal is to make it easier, wonder if that goal will ever be reached without frustrating users about what they lost.
Moreover, this first release of the new version is missing a lot of features which should be added in the future. I hope also the possibility of non-responsive projects because some learning content is simply impossible to be consumed on small phones.
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