August 11, 2023
Question about Captivate Text-to-Speech Voices
August 11, 2023
Question about Captivate Text-to-Speech Voices


I’m using version 11.5.5 of Captivate 2019.  I have the Microsoft Desktop voices (Zira and David) by default, and I recently downloaded and installed the NeoSpeech voices (Bridget, Chloe, James, Julie, Kate, Paul, and Yumi).

My question is, since these voices either came with my operating system, or were downloaded and installed on my computer, does this mean that any text input and the resulting audio files that are generated stay solely within the authoring tool software on my computer?  Or will the text input and resulting audio file be sent to or reside in an external server, as is the case with Amazon Polly?

1 Comment
2023-08-17 11:53:33
2023-08-17 11:53:33

Not sure if I understand your question correctly.  The audio clips generated by TTS are in your project library in a wav format. When you publish, the clips will be compressed to MP3 and are included in the output folder, subfolder ar. If you want to reuse the clip later on you can open the present library in any other project as external library, or you cann export the clips. In the second scenario you’ll get both a wav and a mp3 version.

Text input, they will be included in the raw cptx file. I don’t think any external server is used at all.

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