New update available through exiting version app?
I have a subscription to Adobe Captivate. When I go to the menu and Check for Updates it says the current version I am using is (11.5.5) up to date. Will the new update be available through the existing program soon?
This is not a blog but a question, correct?
Hmm… Since end of June a new version of Captivate (12) is released which is not compatible with your present version. It has a limited set of features, and can only create responsive projects. Because not all features in your version are available, you are now entitled to use both version 12 and a more recent version of the older Captivate (11.8) in parallel on the same license. However you need to update to 11.8.2 which will be renamed to Captivate Classic. Extensions of both versions will be renamed as well, and the file structure to allow both versions to exist will be rearranged.
However – this is my personal opinion – you are at this moment using the most stable version I ever used (almost two decades user of Captivate). I have kept it on my main system for professional work for my clients which rarely need a responsive project. I installed the new version 12 and Captivate Classic on another system for testing. In my situation neither of them is ready for the type of work I am doing.
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