I may be missing it, but how do I see all the assets used in my project in the New Captivate? I see where I can remove all unused items (that does not remove them), but I cannot locate where I can see all assets used and easily reuse them, instead of having to add them from my system storage each time I need it.
I have logged a feature request to have access to the Assets in an easier way than presently.
Similar to that: access to a real Project Library and to the CC Libraries for those Adobe fans who use more than just Captivate . This is a long-standing request which strangely was possible in that old app ‘Draft’ which we had for iPad and is now discontinued.
Sorry but reusability was not on top of the priority list in this new version. It even lacks the Project library which would have been what you needed. There are no extra panels anymore like in previous versions. Did you try copy/paste because that seems to be the way to go now instead of the more professional workflows you have been used to. Whenever you want to add an item which can be found in the Assets you’ll get the choice between Assets and System. Each individually…
You can find some of them in the usual place (Public Documents….) but if you have also Captivate Classic installed it has a rather complicated structure.
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